
Thank You- 3/28

Thank You- 3/28 After doing this assignment, I feel both excited and encouraged to graduate and get my business started. Kiara was very informative and helpful in guiding me and inspiring me to chase my dreams no matter what. That your business might take a while to start off, but once it does it will keep on growing. I learned that the biggest thing about being a businesswoman is just staying driven. No matter how complicated things get or how slow things are taking to keep persevering through it all, and you will succeed.

The Aftermath- 3/26

The Aftermath- 3/26 After my mentor meeting, I feel so inspired to get my business kicked off. One of the biggest takeaways from our meeting is that I shouldn’t wait. She told me that even if you start off small, start off. Because I explained to her that I wanted to wait for this, and wait for that… but she said that there is always something that can be done in the mindtime to get things rolling. Just hearing her talk about her steps, and how she wished she would’ve started sooner makes me feel like I can really do this. It was a great meeting, I feel extremely inspired. 

Today's the day, Meet Kiara- 3/25

Today's the day, Meet Kiara - 3/25 Today is the day of our scheduled mentor meeting. I’m looking forward to all if the insight and advice Ms. Slater is going to share. Prior to our meeting, with everything going on we decided it would best to hold it via FaceTime. Everything went smoothly, we had no complications or issues.  MEET KIARA- Kiara C. Slater is the owner of SCIN. SCIN is an acronym for Self Care is Necessary. Kiara first explained the steps to registering your business, and how it ranges depending on where you live. She explained how as a black businesswoman you have to assert yourself in any situation because you deserve to be there She explained how you have to have a vision and only see that. Tunnel mode on that vision not letting anything distract you from it. She gave me ways to stay motivated and gave me some great advice for when I’m ready to start my own business. 

Preparation- 3/17

Preparation- 3/17   As I prepare for my mentor meeting, I have been getting everything together. I drafted my seven questions, and got them approved by my mentor. She gave some feedback, so I made slight edits and now they're ready to go. I wanted to make sure that she knew what I was asking and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to talk about. I plan on typing out her responses during our meeting. My questions are all things that I want to know, or things that will help me in the future. Our meeting is also scheduled, and confirmed. See picture for questions.    

Decisions, Decisions- 3/14

 Decisions, Decisions- 3/14          Today I chose a young successful black beautiful woman to be my mentor. I chose Kiara Slater to be my mentor because she is a person I could see myself being one day. The second I met her and heard her story of how she built her business, I was instantly inspired. She's a 30 year old business owner, who's business is thriving. With me eventually wanting to open my own PR firm, her business savvy mindset and go getter attitude is exactly what I inspire to be. Ms. Slater is equally as excited to guide me and to discuss her journey in more depth. So excited for the strategies and tools I will learn from her.